flash fiction and nonfiction
The Missing Girl (New York, NY: Black Lawrence Press, 2017)
order from Black Lawrence Press, your local indie bookseller, or from Amazon
"Little Colored Pills" Essay Form(s), edited by Jill Talbot (New York: Columbia University Press, 2023), forthcoming
"Doppler Effect," Duets + 1, curated with art by Amy Marques (p. 41)
“Late Bloomer,” Awakenings: Stories of Body & Consciousness, edited by Diane Gottlieb (ELJ Editions, 2023)
order here
marketing sheet here
"Little Darling," The Art of Brevity by Grant Faulkner (University of New Mexico Press, 2023)
order here
"Often During the Pandemic," Our Pandemic (The Writer's Workout), edited by Theresa Green
"Spelling Lachlan," Legerdemain: National Flash Fiction Day 2021 Anthology, edited by Santino Prinzi and Nod Ghosh, order here
"Nippers Speaks Up,” The Tertiary Lodgers (Alternating Current Press), forthcoming
"Lizzie Halliday," 100 Lives (Pure Slush Books) order here
"What Remains," Bending Genres Anthology 2018-2019, edited by Robert Vaughan (Bending Genres Press, 2020) order here
"Mirrors and Reflections," Feminine Rising: Voices of Power and Invisibility, edited by Andrea Fekete and Lara Lillibridge (Malvern, PA: Cynren Press, 2019) order from Cynren Press, your indie bookseller, or Amazon
“Cassiopeia,” Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story, edited by Grant Faulkner, Lynn Mundell, and Beret Olsen (San Francisco: Outpost 19, 2018) order from Outpost 19 Books, your local indie bookseller, or Amazon
"Freud's Dora," Nothing to Declare: A Guide to the Flash Sequence, edited by Robert Alexander, Eric Braun, and Debra Marquart (Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press, Marie Alexander Series, 2016) order from White Pine Press, your local indie bookseller, or Amazon
"Self Reliance," Forgotten Women: A Tribute in Poetry, edited by Ginny Lowe Connors (West Hartford, CT: Grayson Books, 2017) order from Grayson Books, your local indie bookseller, or Amazon
Awards and Nominations
Longlist, SmokeLong Grand Micro Contest, 2024
Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions, 2024
Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions, 2021
Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions, 2020
Featured in Creative Nonfiction Sunday Short Reads, 2019
Winner (first place), The Sunlight Press Essay Contest, 2019
Two Finalist Listings in Best Small Fictions 2018 (nominated by Black Lawrence Press and Midway Journal)
Winner (first place), 1000 Below: Flash Prose and Poetry Contest, judged by Michael Martone, Midway Journal, 2017
Winner (first place), Black River Chapbook Competition, Black Lawrence Press, 2016
Best of the Net Nomination, Current
Best of the Net Nomination, Centaur
Best of the Net Nomination, The Disappointed Housewife
Best Small Fictions Nomination, Gone Lawn
Best Microfiction nomination, NUNUM
Best of the Net Nomination, matchbook
Pushcart Prize Nomination, NUNUM
Pushcart Prize Nomination, matchbook
Pushcart Prize Nomination, The Disappointed Housewife
Best Small Fictions Nomination, Juked
Best Small Fictions Nomination, Tom Gumbert
Pushcart Prize Nomination, Current
Pushcart Prize Nomination and "Ten Most Read," Little Fiction/Big Truths
Pushcart Prize Nomination, The Sunlight Press
Pushcart Prize Nomination, Ellipsis
Pushcart Prize Nomination, Lunate
Pushcart Prize Nomination, Jane Ciabbatarri
Pushcart Prize Nomination, New Flash Fiction Review
Pushcart Prize Nomination, Wigleaf
Best of the Net Nomination, The Sunlight Press
Best of the Net Nomination, Midway Journal
Best Small Fictions Nomination, Bending Genres
Best Small Fictions Nomination, Literary Mama
Best Small Fictions Nomination, Quarter After Eight
Best Microfiction Nomination, CRAFT
Best Microfiction Nomination, Atticus Review
"No Better Time Than Now," Fictive Dream, forthcoming
"The Chair," South Florida Poetry Journal
"Teachers' Pets," Does It Have Pockets?
"That Boy When You Were Sixteen," Aquifer: The Florida Review Online
"I Dream You Are Alive: Creative Nonfiction Micros" (“So Long Ago,” “The Umbrella,” “We Could Have,” “Family Ties,” “Sex Education,” “Something Else,” “Returning to the Wreck”), Flash Boulevard
"Shoplifting," Current
(nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize)
"Pretty Penny," Fictive Dream
"Ode to My Cat, Ten Years Gone," Sweet
"Noonday Robbery at Booneville Savings and Loan," FlashFlood Journal (reprint)
"A Bartender Named Destiny," Ellipsis Zine
"(Parenthetical Asides)," Centaur
(nominated for Best of the Net)
included in supplemental reading list in anthology Essay Form(s), edited by Jill Talbot (Columbia University Press, 2023)
Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions
"Doppler Effect," Midway Journal
"Lunatic Impromptu," jmww
"Family Night," Fictive Dream
"Champagne," Trampset
"Interrogation," Anti-Heroin Chic
"Little Dove," Gone Lawn
"Because I Could Not Stop for Death," SugarSugarSalt (reprint)
"Disappearing Act," 10 By 10
"A Dress with Pockets, or Mediterranean Vistas," The Disappointed Housewife
(nominated for Best of the Net)
"Where Are We Going?," Bending Genres
"Zooming Out," Fictive Dream
"The Peak of His Powers," BULL
"Glimpse," Five Minutes
"Move on Up" (reprint), Fevers of the Mind
"Half Fish Tale, Half Ars Poetica" (reprint), Harpy Hybrid Review
“Afterlives,” Ran Off With the Star Bassoon
"Waterloo," Six Sentences
"Head of the Household," Cotton Xenomorph
"Still Lives," Tiny Molecules
"Ready or Not," Gone Lawn
(nominated for Best Small Fictions)
"Charcot's Monkey," Sonora Review (print)
"Zig Zag," Miramichi Flash (reprint)
"Vivienne's Key," Ethel (print, online)
"Super Stanley," NUNUM
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize and for Best Microfiction)
"Easy Street," Free Flash Fiction
“Eyes on Me,” “Damned for All Eternity,” and “A Mary With Teeth,” Tiny Molecules
"Mistaken," mac(ro)mic
"The Recliner," Fictive Dream
"Roll Out the Barrel," Schuylkill Valley Journal
"No Better Time Than Now," Fictive Dream, forthcoming
"The Chair," South Florida Poetry Journal
"Teachers' Pets," Does It Have Pockets?
"That Boy When You Were Sixteen," Aquifer: The Florida Review Online
"I Dream You Are Alive: Creative Nonfiction Micros" (“So Long Ago,” “The Umbrella,” “We Could Have,” “Family Ties,” “Sex Education,” “Something Else,” “Returning to the Wreck”), Flash Boulevard
"Shoplifting," Current
(nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize)
"Pretty Penny," Fictive Dream
"Ode to My Cat, Ten Years Gone," Sweet
"Noonday Robbery at Booneville Savings and Loan," FlashFlood Journal (reprint)
"A Bartender Named Destiny," Ellipsis Zine
"(Parenthetical Asides)," Centaur
(nominated for Best of the Net)
included in supplemental reading list in anthology Essay Form(s), edited by Jill Talbot (Columbia University Press, 2023)
Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions
"Doppler Effect," Midway Journal
"Lunatic Impromptu," jmww
"Family Night," Fictive Dream
"Champagne," Trampset
"Interrogation," Anti-Heroin Chic
"Little Dove," Gone Lawn
"Because I Could Not Stop for Death," SugarSugarSalt (reprint)
"Disappearing Act," 10 By 10
"A Dress with Pockets, or Mediterranean Vistas," The Disappointed Housewife
(nominated for Best of the Net)
"Where Are We Going?," Bending Genres
"Zooming Out," Fictive Dream
"The Peak of His Powers," BULL
"Glimpse," Five Minutes
"Move on Up" (reprint), Fevers of the Mind
"Half Fish Tale, Half Ars Poetica" (reprint), Harpy Hybrid Review
“Afterlives,” Ran Off With the Star Bassoon
"Waterloo," Six Sentences
"Head of the Household," Cotton Xenomorph
"Still Lives," Tiny Molecules
"Ready or Not," Gone Lawn
(nominated for Best Small Fictions)
"Charcot's Monkey," Sonora Review (print)
"Zig Zag," Miramichi Flash (reprint)
"Vivienne's Key," Ethel (print, online)
"Super Stanley," NUNUM
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize and for Best Microfiction)
"Easy Street," Free Flash Fiction
“Eyes on Me,” “Damned for All Eternity,” and “A Mary With Teeth,” Tiny Molecules
"Mistaken," mac(ro)mic
"The Recliner," Fictive Dream
"Roll Out the Barrel," Schuylkill Valley Journal
"Prospero's Last Party," Yellow Mama
"Often During the Pandemic," Love in the Time of Covid
"Gall," trampset
"End Times," Dream Journal
"The Madwoman on BART," matchbook
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net)
(Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions)
"Two Guys Carrying a Toilet into Taco Bell," The Disappointed Housewife
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"New Shoes," 50WS: Fifty-Word Stories
Third Place in Mythic Picnic "Twitterary" contest
"Sooner or Later," Little Fiction/Big Truths
"What Remains" (reprint), Bending Genres Anthology
"Why Indeed," Fictive Dream
"Johnsy Seen Her Too," Crack the Spine
"Butterfly," the minnesota review (print)
“The Lost Umbrella,” Pithead Chapel
(Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions)
“Girls in the Woods” and “After Dinner,” CRAFT Literary Magazine
("After Dinner" nominated for Best Microfiction 2020)
“Crazy Jane’s Cup of Tea,” Cabinet of Heed
"Raining Blackbirds," Ghost Parachute
"Looking for Rick," Queen Mob's Teahouse
"Move On Up," Rhythm & Bones Literary Magazine
"Felicity Leaves the Door Ajar," Lunate
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
“Waking Up Late,” Ellipsis
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"The Arithmetic of Memory," Little Fiction/Big Truths
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"Ten Most Read" in Little Fiction/Big Truths "2019 in Review"
“Prayer to St. Dymphna,” Connotation Press
“Dear Maddy,” The Sunlight Press
winner, first place, The Sunlight Press Essay Contest
(nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize)
"Little Darling" (reprint), Flash Flood Journal
"Dermagraphism," The Collagist
"Huntress," The Collagist
"Dark Hallway," Cleaver
"Because I Could Not Stop for Death," The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
"Framed," Juked
(nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020)
"Free Fall," Fictive Dream
"Little Colored Pills," Sweet: A Literary Confection
(featured in Creative Nonfiction Sunday Short Reads)
included in anthology Essay Form(s), edited by Jill Talbot (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming 2023)
"The Red Ball," The Cabinet of Heed
"Prospero's Last Party," Yellow Mama
"Often During the Pandemic," Love in the Time of Covid
"Gall," trampset
"End Times," Dream Journal
"The Madwoman on BART," matchbook
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net)
(Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 (Very) Short Fictions)
"Two Guys Carrying a Toilet into Taco Bell," The Disappointed Housewife
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"New Shoes," 50WS: Fifty-Word Stories
Third Place in Mythic Picnic "Twitterary" contest
"Sooner or Later," Little Fiction/Big Truths
"What Remains" (reprint), Bending Genres Anthology
"Why Indeed," Fictive Dream
"Johnsy Seen Her Too," Crack the Spine
"Butterfly," the minnesota review (print)
“The Lost Umbrella,” Pithead Chapel
(Longlist, Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions)
“Girls in the Woods” and “After Dinner,” CRAFT Literary Magazine
("After Dinner" nominated for Best Microfiction 2020)
“Crazy Jane’s Cup of Tea,” Cabinet of Heed
"Raining Blackbirds," Ghost Parachute
"Looking for Rick," Queen Mob's Teahouse
"Move On Up," Rhythm & Bones Literary Magazine
"Felicity Leaves the Door Ajar," Lunate
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
“Waking Up Late,” Ellipsis
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"The Arithmetic of Memory," Little Fiction/Big Truths
(nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
"Ten Most Read" in Little Fiction/Big Truths "2019 in Review"
“Prayer to St. Dymphna,” Connotation Press
“Dear Maddy,” The Sunlight Press
winner, first place, The Sunlight Press Essay Contest
(nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize)
"Little Darling" (reprint), Flash Flood Journal
"Dermagraphism," The Collagist
"Huntress," The Collagist
"Dark Hallway," Cleaver
"Because I Could Not Stop for Death," The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
"Framed," Juked
(nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020)
"Free Fall," Fictive Dream
"Little Colored Pills," Sweet: A Literary Confection
(featured in Creative Nonfiction Sunday Short Reads)
included in anthology Essay Form(s), edited by Jill Talbot (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming 2023)
"The Red Ball," The Cabinet of Heed
“At the End,” Defuncted (reprint)
"What Remains," Bending Genres
(nominated for Best Small Fictions 2019)
“Pretty Girl,” New Flash Fiction Review
(nominated for Pushcart Prize)
(Genia Blum, "Hot Picks of 2018," Queen Mob's Teahouse)
(featured in the craft essay "Notes from the Slush Pile: Endings," Al Kratz Blog)
"A Nest, a Rock, a Bird," Literary Mama (June 2018)
(nominated for Best Small Fictions 2019)
"Cheated," Mom Egg Review (MER VOX Online Quarterly)
"Waiting for BART," mac(ro)mic
“Checkmate,” Blue Fifth Review / Blue Five Notebook Series
"Medusa Reflects," So to Speak
"Cassiopeia" (reprint), Flash Flood Journal
"Leftovers," Atticus Review
(nominated for Best Microfiction 2018)
“Prayer to the Bearded Virgin Martyr,” Jellyfish Review
"Best of the Indie Internet (Vol. 3, May 2018)," The Coil
"Nadine's Broken Heart," Fiction Southeast
"The Story Behind the Story: 'Nadine's Broken Heart,'" Fiction Southeast
"Half Fish Tale, Half Ars Poetica," Hotel Amerika (print)
“At the End,” Defuncted (reprint)
"What Remains," Bending Genres
(nominated for Best Small Fictions 2019)
“Pretty Girl,” New Flash Fiction Review
(nominated for Pushcart Prize)
(Genia Blum, "Hot Picks of 2018," Queen Mob's Teahouse)
(featured in the craft essay "Notes from the Slush Pile: Endings," Al Kratz Blog)
"A Nest, a Rock, a Bird," Literary Mama (June 2018)
(nominated for Best Small Fictions 2019)
"Cheated," Mom Egg Review (MER VOX Online Quarterly)
"Waiting for BART," mac(ro)mic
“Checkmate,” Blue Fifth Review / Blue Five Notebook Series
"Medusa Reflects," So to Speak
"Cassiopeia" (reprint), Flash Flood Journal
"Leftovers," Atticus Review
(nominated for Best Microfiction 2018)
“Prayer to the Bearded Virgin Martyr,” Jellyfish Review
"Best of the Indie Internet (Vol. 3, May 2018)," The Coil
"Nadine's Broken Heart," Fiction Southeast
"The Story Behind the Story: 'Nadine's Broken Heart,'" Fiction Southeast
"Half Fish Tale, Half Ars Poetica," Hotel Amerika (print)
"One Night at the Crown Saloon" (with Stephen D. Gutierrez under the name Alvarado O'Brien), Rougarou
"Red Riding Hood," Spelk
"Five Rivers in Hades," A-Minor Magazine
“After the Rabbit,” #sideshow, FIVE:2:ONE
"My Slinky Ex” and "The Professor's Chair," Post Road (print)
"He Looked Like James Dean," Occulum
also included in "Other Voices" section of traveling exhibition "The Creative Process"
"By a Mountain Stream in Northern Spain," Lost Balloon
“The Blackout,” b(OINK)
"Happy Hour at The Eagle Bar & Grill," Ellipsis Zine
"Zig Zag," Midway Journal
winner of the "1000 Below: Flash Prose and Poetry Contest," judged by Michael Martone
finalist, Best Small Fictions 2018
nominated for Best of the Net, 2018
"Edvard Munch's Eye in Eye," Flash Frontier (September 2017)
"Little Darling," Wigleaf
longlisted, SmokeLong Grand Micro Contest, 2024
nominated for a Pushcart prize by Wigleaf, 2017
featured flash in Cathy Ulrich's craft essay, "ABCs of Flash Writing: Q is for Quiet," Spry Literary Journal
featured in Grant Faulkner's book, The Art of Brevity (University of New Mexico Press)
“Heartbreak Hotel,” matchbook
“Fyodor Translates Edgar Translates the Universe,” Threadcount
“Avian Portent,” Entropy
"The House on Cypress Street," Jellyfish Review
“The Psychic Fucked Everything Up,” Jet Fuel Review (print)
“Cassiopeia,” 100 Word Story
“A Murder of Crows,” CHEAP POP
“Hula,” Quarter After Eight (print)
Nominated for Best Small Fictions 2017
“Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” The Pinch (print)
“Inventory,” The Pinch Online Compendium
"Another Guy's Shoes," Thread
“Three Conversations” (with Stephen D. Gutierrez, as Alvarado O’Brien), Jellyfish Review
“Doing Nothing,” Gravel
“Noonday Robbery at Booneville Savings and Loan” (reprint), FlashFiction.Net Matter Press
“Ariadne’s Wedding Dance,” Flash Frontier
"Departure," 100 Word Story
featured in craft essay: Sophie van Llewyn, "Time in Flash Fiction," TSS Publishing (2019)
"Sirens" and "She Contemplates a Trip," Ginosko Literary Journal
"Something Like That," Fjords Review Online
nominated for Best Small Fictions 2018 by Black Lawrence Press
"Road Riffs," Souvenir Lit Journal
"The Summer You Were Born Was My Best Summer Vacation," Silver Birch Press
"Early Spring Rainstorm," Cleaver
"Under My Skin," The Vignette Review
“Ariadne on Naxos,” The Cossack Review
"Three Pieces," MadHat Lit
"You Tell Me Yours and I'll Tell You Mine," SLAB (Sound &Art Literary Book) (print)
“Signs and Portents,” The Santa Fe Literary Review
"Summer's End," Corium
"Bare Necessity: Nathan Lacky Interviews Rex X," Short, Fast, and Deadly
"Let's Play a Game," Literary Orphans
"Company Gone," Stone Voices
"Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Woolf?" Mixitini Matrix
"Mirrors and Reflections," Hippocampus
"Summer Siren" and "The Fortuneteller's Words," Sweet
"Notes for a Twenty-Something's Memoir," The Rumpus
"Not Waving," Bluestem Quarterly
"Keening in the Rain," Mused
“Saturnian Lead,” Weirdyear
"Not a Writer," Red Lightbulbs
"The Queen's Secret," Toasted Cheese
"Premonitions of the Past," "Memories of the Future," The Medulla Review
"The Great Writer, Unbowed by Fate," Fix It Broken
"You're the One, Baby," Used Furniture Review
"Notes from the," Temenos
"Creating (Non)Fiction," Slow Trains
"Telling Riddles," The Mom Egg
"Crosswords," Prime Number Magazine
"Confession," Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Narrative
"At the End," flashquake
"Detours," Foliate Oak Literary Journal
"Blind," elimae
"Mirrors and Reflections," Hippocampus
"Summer Siren" and "The Fortuneteller's Words," Sweet
"Notes for a Twenty-Something's Memoir," The Rumpus
"Not Waving," Bluestem Quarterly
"Keening in the Rain," Mused
“Saturnian Lead,” Weirdyear
"Not a Writer," Red Lightbulbs
"The Queen's Secret," Toasted Cheese
"Premonitions of the Past," "Memories of the Future," The Medulla Review
"The Great Writer, Unbowed by Fate," Fix It Broken
"You're the One, Baby," Used Furniture Review
"Notes from the," Temenos
"Creating (Non)Fiction," Slow Trains
"Telling Riddles," The Mom Egg
"Crosswords," Prime Number Magazine
"Confession," Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Narrative
"At the End," flashquake
"Detours," Foliate Oak Literary Journal
"Blind," elimae
“Psychic Topography,” Thumbnail
“Big Dog Muses on Fragments and the Meaning of Life,” Thumbnail
"Five Finger Exercises: Playing with Misery," Eclectic Flash
"Down the Rabbit Hole," Monkeybicycle
"Ever After," Melusine
"Geometries," 5_trope
"Diego's Shoes," Tattoo Highway
Winner of "Picture Worth 500 Words" Contest
“Death by Mating,” LITnIMAGE
"Noonday Robbery at Booneville Savings and Loan," Staccato Fiction
"Benediction," OnePageStories
"She Dreams of Canyons and the Sea," Glossolalia
"Seeing Things As They Are," JuiceBox: A Journal of the Ordinary
"Alphabet Soup," Glossolalia
"Something's Amiss," Six Sentences
"Conjuring Mary, Twenty Years Gone," flashquake
"Seeing Things As They Are," JuiceBox: A Journal of the Ordinary
"Alphabet Soup," Glossolalia
"Something's Amiss," Six Sentences
"Conjuring Mary, Twenty Years Gone," flashquake