I've been down on my work lately, and I didn't expect this acceptance. I was astonished and thrilled to open my email this morning and discover that LITTLE FICTION, BIG TRUTHS will be publishing my flash "Sooner or Later" in their special Flash Fiction Issue next summer. I love the magazine, and was so happy to appear in their special Flash Nonfiction issue last summer. Not sure why I've been feeling so down. Not much to send out, for one thing, and a pretty short list of essays and flash out under submission on Submittable, for me at least. I got rid of some dead wood, cut one flash in half that's been getting tons of rejections (and the shorter version was just rejected yesterday). Days and days go by where I don't write. The LUNATICS' BALL writing seems to require so much preparation and research (I'm overwhelmed by facts). Reading other people's work has come to dominate my days: student exercises and essays, short story and flash submissions for CRAFT, submissions in my writing groups, long biographies for the LUNATICS' BALL. This week we have too many submissions in my San Francisco group so I volunteered to postpone the two flash I wanted to do. And now I'm disgruntled and depressed about it, even though I volunteered. (Maybe because only one member said thank you.) LITTLE FICTION, BIG TRUTHS. A dream journal (I could hardly believe I got in there the first time, and then that they nominated me for a Pushcart). A totally unexpected blessing. I'd also forgotten that Jane Ciabattari nominated me for a Pushcart. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from the Pushcart people, asking me to select up to three pieces to send to them for consideration. Even though I know I won't get into the anthology, it's still a thrill. Comments are closed.
January 2025