It's here! My flash "Zooming Out" just came out in FICTIVE DREAM, part of their Flash February series, which includes a lot of flash friends. Lovely art again from Claudia McGill.
And of course here I am today about to log into a Zoom meeting. A workshop with Rebecca McClanahan on organizing your memoir-in-essays or essay collection. Getting ready for it, and getting ready for Claire Polders to read the first two sections, already pushed me into a massive organizational effort. Claire's request that I give subtitles to the nine sections so the organization is more visible has me stymied, though. Pleased to see that my flash "Where Are We Going?" made it into Kristina Saccone's "Flash Roundup" this week. "Little Darling," originally published in Wigleaf, will be included in Grant Faulkner's The Art of Brevity (University of New Mexico Press, forthcoming), which he describes as "one part craft book, one part aesthetic reflection." I'm excited to see it.
Also a nice Valentine's Day surprise. Len Kuntz included "Where Are We Going" in "What I Loved Last Week" on his blog (along with several other flash in the new issue of BENDING GENRES, and some great work from other publications). Nice to get encouragement when my publications are few and far between and I'm spending so much time on THE LUNATICS' BALL without knowing how it well end up. My flash "Where Are We Going" (slight nod to Joyce Carol Oates) is out in issue 25 of BENDING GENRES, along with some flash by great writers, quite a few of them friends. Can't wait to dig in to the issue. The flash was inspired by Meg Tuite, and a prompt from her in a workshop, "Let each sentence ride its own bus." Looked around for a free picture of a bus to accompany my facebook post, and found this beauty, courtesy of Juan Encalada on Unsplash. Maybe I'll write a post some day about what it's like to work at a literary magazine. Short version: right now, not great. The stressful edit of a couple of weeks ago became infinitely more stressful. The contest requires a lot of reading as we near selection of the longlist. At least I've been stealing time to work on THE LUNATICS' BALL, which is progressing beautifully. I've been producing new work and revising old work. My concussion and injuries are almost healed. And I can celebrate this flash today. Later: I'm looking over an essay and some micros that we just accepted and I'm thrilled with them. As I was with the difficult edit, before everything went south. I've been so proud of the CNF we've published. Really there are great rewards to my editorial position, and we have a new EIC I love working with. So there's all that too.
February 2025