I was so happy to hear today from Ellen Blum Barrish, a memoirist and essayist and former editor of THREAD, that she's been teaching "Dear Maddy" in her private workshops. What's made me smile: her regret over an editorial decision she made ages ago when she published "Another Guy's Shoes." We do toss and turn over things that other people have long forgotten. And unconnected: the amazing response I've gotten on twitter to my announcement that I have an acceptance at ELLIPSIS ZINE. I love that the literary community comes together to celebrate. But I am completely sure that not all of these people are going to read the flash when it comes out! Our son Ben's 34th birthday tomorrow. He's in the rainforest in Borneo, fifteen hours ahead of California, but we should be able to FaceTime. His latest picture of Sabah, a view from the open upper story at his friend Cynthia's house. We got to see a moving panorama of a gentle thunderstorm coming on (also from her open upper story—an amazing design for a house) the last time we FaceTimed. note: Two days later I've realized that Ben is now 35, not 34. You'd think with one child I could keep his age straight. Comments are closed.
January 2025