Some rejections. Two flash that I specifically wrote for anthologies have been rejected by those anthologies (one accepted somewhere else, one in submission limbo). I'm glad I wrote them, but I'm taking rejections harder these days. You'd think I'd toughen up over the years.
But there's been a lot of good news lately. THE MISSING GIRL has sold out its first print run and is going into a second! Robert Vaughan and Meg Tuite, great writers, the editors at BENDING GENRE, do retreats in New Mexico where they teach flash. They reported on their first day on Facebook: "Today at Synergia Ranch for the Bending Genres Retreat we spoke about Point of View in writing. Meg Tuite and I shared teaching examples from Mary Reufle, Dennis Cooper, Alvarado O'Brien (Jacqueline Doyle), Kim Addonizio, and Ryan Werner." Wow. Just back from the Writes of Spring festival at Rio Hondo College in Southern California, where Steve was one of the keynote readers. His reading was at 8am and I was sure there'd be no one there, but the large auditorium was packed. He also sold a lot of books. Every time we drive to LA I remember what a really long drive that is. Comments are closed.
January 2025