The Oscars are about to start. I was just logging off and my flash fiction "Framed" popped up on JUKED. JUKED is one of those magazines I've wanted to get into forever and forever. They've published a daunting roster of famous people in their print magazine (Aimee Bender, among other flash greats), and they're just very cool. So I'm thrilled. I don't know whether anyone online will read this before the Oscars, but maybe after.
I'm grateful to the editor Ryan Ridge (who was also in SLEAZEMAG's inaugural issue, maybe he recognized my name from there when I sent to JUKED?). And to Tara Laskowski at SMOKELONG QUARTERLY, who suggested I dig deeper into the story when she rejected it. Her comments were inspiring, and the story doubled in size. I'm supposed to be grading essays today, but I've been working on rewrites all day (and yesterday), and produced a couple of new microflash as well. Sorry to see the end of Kathy Fish's online Fast Flash class, as it got my creative juices flowing. Comments are closed.
January 2025