I have a new, very short personal essay out today: "What Grows on Trees" in CURRENT.
I had such a nice experience with them from start to finish. They're really a political magazine with occasional personal essays. Their associate editor Robert Erle Berham solicited work from me, with really nice things to say about "Little Colored Pills." I amplified "What Grows on Trees" to add some sociopolitical context and sent it to him, he forwarded it to the coeditor in chief Eric Miller, who accepted it right away with some very nice comments about the essay, made a few copy edits, and it was up within a few days. It's a site where everyone seems to have a PhD so I listed mine in my short bio. I wasn't sure where to send it at all, and that has me reflecting about the difference between a flash and a personal essay. I was worried that it was too expository, and it's too expository for a flash (and wouldn't really work in a flash magazine either) but not for an essay. I guess I'll put it on my flash page, since it's under 1000 words, but I don't think it belongs there. Thinking about my publications in the last year or two: "Mid-Century Modern" and "My Mother's Suitcases," both short, are really essays too. Is flash more narrative and imagistic, the essay structured around ideas? Comments are closed.
January 2025