It never rains but it pours. Two micros and a flash out today!
So excited to join the roster of great writers in GHOST PARACHUTE, a magazine I love. This issue includes Meg Pokrass, Meg Tuite, Sudha Balagopal, Epiphany Ferrell! Their archives are amazing too. Here are just a few of my favorite authors that Ghost Parachute published in 2019 (all writers whose careers I follow): Tara Isabel Zambrano, Tara Campbell, Chelsea Stickle, Evan James Sheldon, Kim Magowan, Claire Polders, Meg Pokrass, Patricia Q. Bidar, Len Kuntz, Paul Beckman, Jennifer Kircher Carr, Christopher Allen, Corey Farrenkopf, Vineetha Mokkil, Cathy Ulrich, Scott Garson, Marisa Crane. Big thanks to editor Brett Pribble for publishing my story “Raining Blackbirds,” and Katiana Robles for the art. And I totally forgot on my social media posts: Big thanks to Kathy Fish and the fellow Fast Flashers in the reunion last spring, where this flash was conceived. I can’t remember the prompt, but Kathy’s prompts always inspire me. As she does, and the accomplished writers in her groups. If you're looking for an online flash class, try one of hers! Comments are closed.
January 2025