I can't keep up with the year-end good news. This morning LITTLE FICTIONS/BIG TRUTHS posted a list of the "Ten Most Read" ("of everything we published last year—13 singles and 14 pieces in our flash nonfiction issue") and "The Arithmetic of Memory" is one of them. (The inner critic in me immediately whispers that it probably didn't hurt that it was the first piece in the flash nonfiction issue. I have a bad habit of discounting honors. I'm pretty thrilled anyway.) It's an amazing list of authors: Jeremy John Parker, Chloe N. Clark, René Mitchell-Matsuyama, Aaron Burch, Nathan R. Elliott, Dina L. Relles, me in spot 4, E.M. Tran, Madeline Anthes, Jen Michalski. Way behind on my work. Grading portfolios is taking longer than usual because I required three rewrites from every student, and many of them are submitting the rewrites to student literary contests early next semester, so I need to critique them thoroughly. Writing group on Wednesday night may be switched to Tuesday night, when grades are due, and there's lots of reading and critiquing for the writing group too. Hoping to get a slot as a reader for CRAFT magazine, and there's a test involved, that I need to take by Friday. Student recommendation to write. Grad student thesis to read. Christmas tree not up. Christmas shopping not done. One of my Christmas packages seems to be lost (I got an oops do you want a refund email from Amazon). But for all that, feeling good holiday vibes.
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January 2025