"Little Darling" in WIGLEAF is attracting some attention on Facebook, but it's going nuts on Twitter.
WIGLEAF's editor Scott Garson tweeted in advance Jacqueline Doyle’s “Little Darlings” is effed up and brilliant in a way I can’t quite get my head around. It goes up Monday #excites WIGLEAF on the day it went up new new: @doylejacq’s “Little Darlings” (Won’t admit how many times I’ve read this; want to be thought of as sane): wigleaf.com WIGLEAF the next day We don’t keep records on this, but @doylejacq’s “Little Darling” is likely among the most-read Wigleaf stories ever in its first 2 days The Wigleaf posts got a phenomenal number of likes and retweets and comments, tons from top flash writers and editors that I crazy-admire. (With the exception of Kara Vernor, who is a stunning writer, I've never met any of these people.) My father’s daughter, I’m tempted to count them, but I won’t. But I’ll record some comments here, to go over on one of my despondent days. (I thought I wouldn’t be able to publish the micros anywhere, since there aren’t many zines that do super-short flash. Lately I’m having trouble sustaining faith in my work.) I’ll start with Kathy Fish, the queen of flash, because, well, Kathy Fish. Kathy Fish Wow, that’s a gut punch in so few words. Perfect micro. Love the postcard too Kathy Fish You so deftly avoid heavy-handedness and deliver an ending that devastates the knowing reader. Brava. Sara Lippman THIS IS HOW TO TELL A STORY IN – what, 100?! – WORDS Kara Vernor ♥️this! Congrats @doylejacq! Tara Lee Zambrano Oh this is SO good! Also the postcard. #amreading Jen Tod “It was my idea. Not his.” @doylejacq always says so much with so little. Her piece at @Wigleaf does not disappoint. Jason Lee Norman Beautiful story. A killer! @doylejacq smashes you to pieces in just a couple hundred words Josh Denslow Pretty wonderful Tommy Dean Wow! The layering is perfect! Melissa Goode ♥️♥️♥️ Chelsea Voulgares Holy crap this story kills Chelsea Voulgares Yes! This is some seriously electric writing Pat Foran Beautiful. Thanks for this, @doylejacq Charles Lennox Tiny, powerful micro by @doylejacq Charles Lennox It’s really, really good. Jellyfish Review Yes yes yes yes yes! Stephanie Hutton Perfect Stephanie Hutton Only because I am lost for words to elaborate! Gut-punchingly good x Jason Lee Norman Beautiful story. A killer! @doylejacq smashes you to pieces in just a couple hundred words. Jad Josey There is so much said in the spaces between. Stunning flash from @doylejacq Cathy Ulrich Awesome piece by @doylejacq in @Wigleaf Simon Pinkerton Agreed, lovely micro Jan Stinchcomb Yes. It reminds me of a tight little piece of embroidery. Meghan Phillips Ugh. Such a fan. This is stunning. Jen Tod “It was my idea. Not his.” @doylejacq always says so much with so little. Her piece at @Wigleaf does not disappoint. Kathryn McMahon Wow, @doylejacq. Amazing. The layers, the rhythm. Everyone, go read this now. Maureen Langloss This is perfect. Want to read it over and over again. Congrats, @doylejacq topaz winters Holy shit, my chest aches & aches. This is exquisite Lori Sambol Brody Just … wow Lori Sambol Brody The use of short phrases and repetition here is just wonderful Lori Sambol Brody How a story can be devastating in less than 200 words. Love Madeline Anthes Holy hell. This story is just a gut punch. Madeline Anthes ♥️♥️ it’s an amazing story! Leesa Cross-Smith What a beauty. ! ! SO GOOD. Damhnait Monaghan Maybe because it’s stunning Daniel Edwards Because it’s really excellent! Rachel Newcombe congrats on this stunning story Gribs Noon It might be one of the best I’ve ever read on Wigleaf I was pleased that some writers included the postcard (including Kathy Fish!) because I labored over that, trying to make it sound casual, as if I hadn't labored over it. "Little Darling" and the postcard are on Wigleaf's home page, along with lots of great flash and postcards from the writers: wigleaf.com I'm in a good mood today because last night my writing group in San Francisco liked my new work from Lidia Yuknavitch's workshop. Reactions to the micros I just published ("Little Darling" at Wigleaf, "Heartbreak Hotel" at matchbook) were very mixed when we did them in the writing group. One newcomer to the group disliked them all. (There are two more I'm still trying to publish.) It's important to remember (but so difficult) that everyone has different taste: editors, fellow writers, readers. Believe in yourself! Lots of rejections in the past few days. One essay that I despair of ever getting published, and keep rewriting. I should shelve it, but I just can't. And what's with so many rejections at once? Do editors get together and say, this is it, let's bombard writers in the week of September 10? Probably they're all back on campus this week, as I'll be on the 21st (Cal State East Bay is on the quarter system and starts later). Comments are closed.
January 2025