So many people are leaving—for very good reason, considering the politics and abysmal management style of the new owner. There are those who argue for staying since it's been such an important tool for international social justice. And those who argue for staying since it's been a vital center for the literary community. I'm sticking it out, for now. I've joined Discord, and I'm waiting for Mastodon, but I'm pretty sure I won't like either. Meanwhile I'm trying to transform my Facebook page by posting works I admire by other writers, which feels very uncomfortable and cluttered. I have over 7000 followers on Twitter, and not quite 1000 on Facebook. And Facebook has all these mysterious algorithms keeping posts from reaching followers. So I'm friending new people but I'm not very hopeful that this will work. I've forged so many important connections on Twitter! My friend Alia recently said that I have a "platform," and one of the great things about Twitter is that I never thought of it that way. Never followed a writer back unless I respected their writing, never followed genre writers back (since that's not what I read or write), never did those stupid "writers' lifts" where people indiscriminately follow lists of writers to boost their numbers. It's a large community, but a curated community of writers I admire, 7000 of them apparently. Hope I don't lose touch with all of them.
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January 2025